In July 2022, Reel Quest Films traveled to Connecticut to film a fundraising video for the Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy (NCLC). The pre-production for this multi-day shoot started more than a month before as Ryan had several Zoom meetings with the NCLC team to devise a story plan, identify potential interviewees, build a list of b-roll to shoot, and map the filming locations. The goal of the project was to create a 5- to 7-minute video that could be used as an inspirational piece at the organization’s annual summer fundraising event. This would be accomplished with scripted voice-over, interviews with residents of the region whose land has been conserved, and Reel Quest Film’s signature scenic cinematography.

Due to weather and scheduling issues, Jerry and Ryan made two trips to the New Milford/Sherman/Kent region to film interviews and b-roll over the course of three days. The project was not without a few “road blocks,” as not once, but three times, their GPS directed them to drive on roads with a bridge closed for construction. Fortunately, that was the biggest challenge they faced. All in all it was a pretty smooth shoot.

As is usually the case during their conservation work, Jerry and Ryan ended up shooting in some beautiful locations. This part of Connecticut is home to the highest peaks in the state as well as several miles of the Appalachian Trail. It’s rural and much more rugged than other parts of Connecticut.

The video helped NCLC raise more than $580,000 at their meeting and they will continue to use it for fundraising and education purposes in the months to come. Check out the final cut here:
Here’s a behind-the-scenes clip of Jerry flying his drone at the Hadlow Preserve:
If you live in or ever visit this part of Connecticut and want to explore some great places, check out NCLC’s list of trails on their properties. To watch more Reel Quest Film’s videos, check out the portfolio page.